

After spending almost two months in Europe, coming back to college and reality just doesn’t seem right. It seems like a lifetime ago that I was riding a donkey through the narrow streets of Santorini,  free diving in the caves of Capri and Positano, and getting lost in the magical streets of Venice Italy. Maybe it’s just my wandering heart that is desperate for new adventures, but the fact that class and homework is my reality now almost feels wrong. I find myself constantly scrolling through Tumblr and looking on Instagram at people’s traveling experiences and it makes me remember all my amazing memories over the summer. I guess it’s not really socially acceptable to quit college to become a professional world photographer and blogger, but a girl can dream right?

Growing up sometimes sucks. Society expects something from you, professors expect something from you, work expects something from you and it’s so easy to fall in the lifestyle of pleasing people. What I’ve started to learn as I’ve been growing up is that people are always going to want something from you. The small things that we don’t appreciate now are going to be the major details we wish we could enjoy years from now. Life is a celebration! The fact that God has given us a chance to choose him everyday should be motivation enough to change the way we perceive life.

I went home the other weekend and my mom and I ended up going paddle boarding A.K.A. (our favorite sport besides snowboarding). It was the most amazing experience to paddle out in to the ocean and to just sit there and meditate on creation. Everything about that moment was beautiful and perfect in my eyes. Thats when it hit me, we as humans are going to constantly strive to reach goals in life, but we’ll never have this same exact moment twice. We forget that our lifeline is a short one, and before we know it, we’ll be regretting those chances we never took. Work and school consumes us and we never know which breath will be our last. As a college student striving to stay afloat in school and work, I am learning to just enjoy the experience. I’ve come to expect that I am never going to be perfect, have it all together, or always do the right thing, but I am learning to be confident in the fact that we never were meant to be perfect.

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For now, I will be content in where I am at in life at this very second, because today is the oldest I’ve ever been, and the youngest I will ever be.