New Seasons


“We desire to possess a beauty that is worth pursuing, worth fighting for, a beauty that is core to who we truly are. We want beauty that can be seen; beauty that can be felt; beauty that affects others; a beauty all our own to unveil…”

As this year comes to an end it’s crazy to think of what a journey this year has been. The countless airplanes I have boarded, the amount of stress that has forced me to my knees to look for God in what seemed like impossible situations, and yet the beauty that God has showed me in the process of waiting. I have learned a great deal through all the experiences I’ve had this year, yet still feel like I know nothing in the process of life. The countless friendships I have let go of, and the new ones God has brought me that has taught me how to appreciate and enjoy the now instead of looking towards the future. This year has taught me how to not plan ahead because God’s plan is so much bigger than our own minds could ever comprehend. I’ve laughed, and cried great amounts, I’ve been able to cross off things on my bucket list, and I crossed the threshold of “living in my 20’s”. A year filled with memorable moments that capture the beauty and pain all at once. Yet here I am still clueless as to how to do life sometimes.. the beauty is that i don’t have to do it alone. If there’s anything that I’ve learned this year is that everyday is a gift waiting to be discovered. Moving away from home has taught me how to fully rely on God for everything, sometimes physically and sometimes emotionally. Relying on people will only let us down, not because they mean to, but because we are all human. We all are fighting our own battles and our own temptations. What still blows my mind is that I haven’t even scratched the surface when it comes to knowing who God is entirely. He is a hidden beauty waiting for us to look and seek Him daily. Thats what I’m still learning how to do in the midst of every situation and every outcome. To find the hidden beauty in each broken and helpless situation. In the midst of friends letting you down, and in the midst of failed relationships there is a perfect love that is waiting to unravel us if we only chose to seek it out.

What I’ve really been noticing as the Holidays speed up is that “We the People” are always searching for something. We go out Christmas shopping, ask for shiny new toys, document our lives, eat a lot, but all for what if we don’t have the one thing central to who we were created to be? I don’t claim to have everything I want or need, and I don’t claim to know everything, but what this Christmas has showed me is that we will never “have enough” of what we are searching for. We will never be “The Best” at something because there will always be someone better than you. What good is it to have all the following on a virtual platform that brings you empty handed in real life? This year has been the most memorable Christmas yet simply because we spent it away from everything and everyone. This Christmas will consist of my mother and I drinking hot cocoa in the woods in Northern California away from the city traffic, the noise, and filled with lots of adventures in the cold.  If there is one thing I would ask for this upcoming New Year would be to increase my prayer life. To increase my dreams and aspirations with he Lord because He will take those dreams and run with them. If there is one thing that can fill that void in your heart of always wanting more, would be the beautiful One who created your heart and knows you by name. The one who longs to spend time with his beloved. This blog was inspired by the One that inspires me everyday to be better, and do better. I don’t do it to achieve the best version of myself because I more often than not have my bad days, but I do it because there is so much to be grateful for. In the midst of my darkest days I still found something to thank God for, and even if the situation was much worst than I could ever imagine, it’s what got me through the day.

So as Christmas Eve arrives, and the year ends, find something to be thankful for even if it is the smallest thing… And later on when you look back on that same day you will remember that one thought that changed your perspective on the situation. You’ll smile because you grew from it, and you’ll be ready to face whatever’s next.