The Journey..

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Sometimes God isolates you to spend more time with you. Sometimes we get so caught up in our problems that we forget to include our one and only solution. Sometimes we get so wrapped up in our future, that we forget the now.

This year has been different. This year God has isolated me in such a way where it has caused me to reach out into deep waters and completely trust in Him. I feel like we go through seasons in life, and once we grow out of it we become comfortable. We get bored, and look for attention in the wrong things, and that was where I was at last year. I became comfortable in my faith. Now I’m not saying you have to constantly feel like your world is falling apart to encounter God, but the moment we let go of everything, we allow God to move completely in our lives. We begin to live out our calling and our destiny. This year God has stretched, me tested me, and given me the option to completely follow Him, or to live a comfortable life. It has caused me to give up a lot of friendships, and things I never realized I idolized in my life. But nothing is in vain, and everyone and everything in your life has a purpose. God has asked me to give up so much for His sake, and even in the moment when I thought I could not give it up, He gave me the strength to let it all go. Friendships come and go, just like seasons. Some people bring the beautiful winter, and some people bring the summer, but those two seasons do not go together. A fear I have had almost all my life, was the fear of letting people down. It became such an obstacle that I was constantly working on how to please people, but I forgot the main person in my life; Jesus. Maybe it’s the fact that this summer caused me to grow in unimaginable ways, but I don’t want to waste my time on meaningless things anymore. God brings people into your life to help you grow, and help them grow, and it’s okay to let those people go. Who knows, later on down the line God might restore what was lost, but if we focus so much on holding on to them, we can miss what God has for us in our next season.

When you give up the things God wants you to willingly, He blesses you in unimaginable ways. He brings you new people to fill the void, and fill up your heart again. It’s only been a month since I have moved back to Phoenix, but it feels like it’s been years. I’m still learning how to trust in Him completely, but it is a process. You aren’t just born into your destiny, you have to overcome trials, live, and learn from your mistakes, but in the end you see the beauty from the struggle. You see the reason for it all, and it becomes so worth it.

“You are most yourself when you are wrapped up in your purpose, not your position.” – Steffany Gretzinger

Sometimes God only wants to see if we will fight for what we love. If we will fight for Him. He is a God filled with love, but He is also a violent God that will fight for his beloved, and we are that. We are the song thats on His heart, and the reason for the cross. Once I focussed on His love for me, I didn’t care where I was at. I didn’t care that even though miles separated me from my mother, He became my beloved too. he became my sole provider and the person I lean on when the world is unjust. I gave Him control over everything, and it has been a beautiful journey.
