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I recently took a few days off of social media to clear my mind and thoughts. It wasn’t until I had made my decision that I really noticed how many times I picked up my phone to check up on the several social apps that connect me with the world. Everyday I wake up and check my phone like it’s the morning paper. I scroll through countless styling blogs to get an inspiration for what to wear, how to look, where to eat, what to take pictures of, and what to post. That’s when it really hit me, it has become our crutch. Our constant source of energy to be accepted into this society that is measured in what we look like and how many followers we have. I’m not saying that social media is all bad, but I personally noticed how much time I spent on it as opposed to spending time with God, and it blew my mind. We have the access to a God that is all mighty and everlasting, a source of unconditional love, someone that endured more than we could every imagine, yet here we are idolizing our phones and our social lives. I personally tend to shove him away in the deepest corners of my mind until I break under stress and cry out to him for help. A cycle that repeats overtime my life is falling apart. Yet, he doesn’t mind. He stays and waits. Just like a father waits for his son or daughter to need him, he waits patiently. Longing for us but waiting till we cry out to him.

When did it become okay to hate the way we look like simply because we long to look like photoshopped models on the internet? When did it become okay to gossip and criticize others simply because of their social media? Even though it was a few days it radically shaped the way I engaged in on conversations, the way I noticed how many people struggle with the same addiction. Instead of scrolling through my newsfeed, I started to read books and books that I’d claim to never have time to read because “I was too busy”. Being offline helped me connect with the relationships around me.

“There is a radiance hidden in your Heart that the world desperately needs.” – Captivating

When I read this line I loved from the book Captivating, it spoke to me not only because of the beautiful words, or because it provides good inspiration, but I loved it because it gave me hope. We all have some radiance to give to the world. We are like stars shining amongst the darkest nights.  Just like there are countless galaxies far far away, there will always be stars. Some burn out and die, but they all have purpose and meaning. In the midst of our limitations God wants to show his power. He wants to help us through our temptations and trials. All it takes is to listen with an open heart and an open mind. Just like the sun rises in the east and sets in the west, there is hope for a new day. He gives us a promise for a brighter future.

When we allow our thoughts and mind to be controlled through the world, we begin to change the way we look at ourselves. God created us in His perfect image, therefore why are we not perfect in him too?


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