Roma / Rome

When in Rome


“Rome is built on ruins and is quite breathtaking; what makes you think you can’t be too?”

I stumbled upon this quote the other day while I was remembering my trip to Rome and how breathtaking everything was for me. It was my second time strolling through the streets of Rome, yet it felt like the very first time. From the train ride into the city, to the high arches of the colosseum, and the beautiful fountains filled with people’s hopes and dreams of love and a future, I felt infinite. What I find interesting about all those things is that it is so easy for people to put their faith about love in a fountain, or tell strangers about their problems, but it is so hard to share the burdens we go through everyday with those that are closest to us. Why is that? What does that say about us as humans? We live our days pretending like we are fine, yet most of us are carrying the weight of our struggles on our shoulders.

It was amazing to walk through those ancient streets and to look up at the art and history that surrounded me, and to think that those same people that left their legacy went through similar struggles that we have today. Why does society tell us to be perfect when we know it is something we will never achieve? All I know is that we were never meant to walk this life alone. Life was never meant to be easy. What does history show us again and again? It shows us that we are broken people in need of a savior.

I have always been in love with history, art, and culture, and being in Rome again enhanced every part of that love.


I took this picture when it was 90 degrees, humid, and my feet filled were with blisters in so much pain, but in this moment none of that mattered. I was ecstatic because I love discovering new cultures, traveling the world, and knowing that my life is just a spec of time that should never be taken for granted.

Today as I was sitting at a coffee shop remembering everything that made this day beautiful, I began to look back on the day and everything that I missed while I was too busy worrying about our ship leaving us. I can look back now and say how thankful I am for Europe’s public transportation because without it, I would of been so lost. I can admire the great artwork in every major cathedral/historical building because it’s not everyday that you can look up and see a famous unique painting done several hundred years ago, and overall I can admire the beautiful memories acquired with my family while being in a completely different country.

Rome is a city of love, and adventure, art, and history, and overall, new beginnings.