Be Still

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In an age of MOVEMENT, nothing is more critical than STILLNESS – Pico Iyer

Dear Reader,

How do we formulate those thoughts that have been on our hearts for the longest time, but seem so far away to share? We journal and begin to tell the truth…

Sometimes life tests us and tests our patience. People break their promises, let us down, and somewhere down the line they become the strangers they were before we knew their names. Maybe it’s a part of life but it doesn’t mean it doesn’t suck. Loosing friendships suck but it is inevitable. Not everyone will love you or accept you for who you are. Some people expect something in return for their friendships, but only few stand by you till the very end. For the longest time I have been struggling with comprehending what grace and love looks like for those that take a piece of our hearts when they leave. How can we continue to believe in the people that constantly let us down? How do we allow a perfect love to come in to our lives and wash away all the memories of the past? I’m not saying go and make the same mistake twice, but I’m saying that I’ve learned that people will always let you down. We are all human and are bound to hurt other people simply because we haven’t fixed the hurt in our own lives. We can begin to mend the hearts of the broken by loving them and forgiving their mistakes. We move on and know that there is a grace that abounds in deepest waters. We don’t move on for their sake, but for our very own because not forgiving will only harden our hearts. We let go even though every part of us wants justice to be done. We move on because that’s what Christ does for us every time we mess up. I’m not saying it’s an easy process because I’m still figuring out what that looks like. Sometimes it  starts with taking a day for yourself and exploring the beauty you can’t seem to find in your own life at the moment. Sometimes it means going and yelling at the ocean because that’s the one thing that is constant. Sometimes it even means going and loosing yourself in a big city to remind you of who you really are. Lately I’ve been in the process of being still and knowing that this too shall pass. Maybe it’s the part that sucks the most about growing up, but I’m learning how to enjoy the views.

Processed with VSCOcam with b5 preset




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